I finally made it to Sephora to try the mini weapon mascara I talk about below.
It doesn't live up to looks, or hype.
It doesn't separate, define, or even curl.
It's pretty much just like running your finger full of charcoal over your eyelashes.
It also doesn't look at all like the picture featured in magazines.
The spikes are lost in the thick formula, too short to even be seen.
It just looks like the wand was jammed into the bottom of the bottle
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I recieved so much feedback on Myspace...here
1) I'm sorry, but santogold was discovered long, long ago.
I first heard of her when i saw the editorial in the April issue of Teen Vogue (Being honest about how you found an artist! try it sometime!), which actually arrived in March . It was before her album was released so I could only find 3 songs of hers on the internet. They were okay but I particularly liked the remix of "You'll Find a Way". The rest sounded a lot like MIA.
Before I listened to her solo work though, I "checked out" the "punk" band she was originally from, and it was good (not necessarily punk though). She reminded me of Gwen Stefani, coming from a pop-punk band then going solo with electronic pop. When her CD came out (a month or so later), I listened to it and it sucked.
I also heard her music on some commercials after that, and some other stuff.
Last week it was played on Gossip Girl.
Anyways, the point is that those idiots who have been getting pissed off recently about her popularity (whom also recently "discovered" her) need to calm it down, and stop talking for their own sake of looking like a moron. She didn't JUST become popular, she's BEEN popular. She was never "underground" (except for her "punk band")
"Ahh blah blah i'm so mad that everyones listening to her now, I was the one who first found her, ...im so cliche"
Stop making a fool of yourselves.(I'm mean)
She's not even that good.
You'll just listen to anything that sounds different with cool sounds.eventhoughiusedtolikeher.(LOL this whole scenerio reminds me of when MIA got popular)
2) All of Pink's songs & videos are the same.shefailsatlife.
P.S. Everyone whom everyone else is mad at for listening to santogold, or ANY other artist for that matter, thinks that they've discovered her first too. In other words, you're butting (empty) heads with the reflection of your own musical cockiness.
idiot vs.idiot
what's ironic (other than the fact itself) is how obvious it is, although I still have to point it out to them.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Summer's new mascara...
ESTÉE LAUDER currently released a new mascara ...that vibrates.
It claims the usual promise: curl, volume, separation, etc. with the twist of a vibrating wand.
We all use the trick of moving the wand back and forth to distribute more mascara, this just does it faster.
Givenchy also made a new addition to this years weirdest mascara brushes.
The spheric structure is supposed to coat more lashes with its "convenient" shape.
To me, it looks like a flail for Medieval Barbie.
I don't exactly trust myself using this, a slip up could cost me an eye.
The brand calls it "Phenomen`eyes" and it's set to come out in August.
My reviews of both will be up soon.
With picture comparison.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My Magazine Awards! aren't you excited..
Best Fashion
High Fashion:

I feel as though Elle is the best suited magazine for high fashion.
And I'm right, it is.
Beware of the self-professed cult, Vogue.
All they can stand for is the iconic name of their magazine.
They sell by covers alone.

I guess Nylon is a pretty original magazine...
It's the credulous hipsters whom buy it that make me disown it from my shelf.
TRENDY= bad, if you weren't already aware.

Okay, TeenVogue is probably the most fun magazine to read since...well, I won't spoil my awards within the first category.
The fashion is eccentric and tasteful. It isn't at all trendy to the point where you feel as though you're looking at pictures of people you see in the city, or worse, your high school.
Although they frequently repeat their health topics, it doesn't matter because they're being acknowledged for their fashion right now.
Best Beauty
Most Trusted:

Theres a reason why they call it "The Beauty Expert".
As they print the people's opinion on almost every product they review, they also quote the specialist's (dermatologist, hair stylist, makeup artist, etc) evaluation too, which is very helpful.
Allure is the first to give you the info. on beauty's latest breakthrough products, promise.
Fun Makeup:

I know I gave Teen Vogue the most fun fashion award, but they really hold up for makeup too.
It's more of the makeup idea's they spark that makes it the winner.
Best Articles

Elle again!
They can sometimes have the most bizarre articles...
A few of my favorites; How an eco-friendly lifestyle turns into an dysfunctional obsession, a woman tells how she becomes involved with environmental terrorists (catch the theme?), and how the perfect face would look (proportions, etc) digitally.
It can sometimes be easy to miss these columns, your eyes aren't fully trained until about 5 issues later.
So if you have an old issue laying about somewhere near the hamper, blow the dust off the cover and "take a whack at it!".
Best Discontinued

I'm sorry Teen Vogue, but Elle Girl was the best fcuking teen magazine in the United States.
And they KNEW IT. The numbers proved.
The reason for pulling it off the shelf? Some mumbo jumbo about reaching teen girls more directly through the Internet (notice how alive the website looks), because apparently every teen girl is some tech-addict whom drowns herself in the computer screen everyday...
Lol, reverse sarcasm. I know every teen girl is a tech-addict whom drowns herself in the computer screen everyday.
But really, I'd like to see their popularity in numbers that their website stands by.
Closing the magazine was surely a mistake.
But, on the other hand...it was why I began reading Elle. It was the closest thing I was left with.
Best Old School

Shame on you! I bet you never would have thought to see this next. How sneaky of me to think of it last minute.
This magazine was more like a bible to girls back in my time (eh, mid-90's).
Of course we were all 8 years old...
Each of my annual monthly Slumber Parties (not Sleepovers, SLUMBER P-A-R-T-I-E-S) were practically a torn page from this phenomenal zine.
And NO ONE missed Sharice's Slumber Parties. No one.
In fact, I can't tell you how many times someone has shown up whom I hadn't even known or invited, BEGGING my mother and I to let them attend (Honestly, I'm not joking).
My mother's friends even came!
Anyway...the point is that this magazine is responsible for numerous friendships and my high- ranking Elementary School social status.
The Hall Of Shame

Tisk, Tisk...
What happened to Seventeen?
It used to be a cool magazine in the 90's-early 2000's.
Was this their idea of a comeback?
I've been slowly watching them dig their grave.
The clothing got worse, the beauty sections became more unfinished, and the "true life" stories are repetitions.
Not to mention, the way they cheat America's Next Top Model winners.
In the prize, it states that the winner will be featured on the cover of Seventeen Magazine.
Well twice, TWICE, have they made the ANTM winner share the cover with another celebrity.
One of those back-to-back cover things, and a microscopic interview with them.
Total schmucks.
I still keep my subscription, however, out of tradition and pure pity.
There will always be that ONE article I take interest in though; how to achieve sparkly hair, or informing me how dangerous a hot tub could be. Still, they cease to impress me.

Teen Magazine. I bought this magazine twice.
The first time was because Rachel Bilson was on the cover (I was once a devoted OC fan).
The inside was a mess of horribly taken pictures of celebrities with obvious but random facts about their beauty routine. I must have seen the old "I wash my face religiously" more than once.
It seemed to me that the magazine couldn't decide if it wanted to do false tabloids or give bad beauty advice. I assumed that I had just picked up an experimental issue with a star on the cover to get it sold and read.
It's been 3 years and they still haven't decided...

Good Lord, if there was ever a worse magazine than Teen...this is it.
It's about 4 pages long and uses the same tactics as the mag above. The DECEIVING COVER.
I even hated this "magazine" when I was 12.
I swear to God, they don't have a staff.
They don't even have sentences.
Phrases and pictures are more like it.
Obviously, they assume that the age group they're aiming toward can't READ.
Since when are American tweens illiterate?
If your daughter reads this magazine, you've failed as a parent.
On that note, I hope you've learned something.
High Fashion:
I feel as though Elle is the best suited magazine for high fashion.
And I'm right, it is.
Beware of the self-professed cult, Vogue.
All they can stand for is the iconic name of their magazine.
They sell by covers alone.
I guess Nylon is a pretty original magazine...
It's the credulous hipsters whom buy it that make me disown it from my shelf.
TRENDY= bad, if you weren't already aware.
Okay, TeenVogue is probably the most fun magazine to read since...well, I won't spoil my awards within the first category.
The fashion is eccentric and tasteful. It isn't at all trendy to the point where you feel as though you're looking at pictures of people you see in the city, or worse, your high school.
Although they frequently repeat their health topics, it doesn't matter because they're being acknowledged for their fashion right now.
Best Beauty
Most Trusted:
Theres a reason why they call it "The Beauty Expert".
As they print the people's opinion on almost every product they review, they also quote the specialist's (dermatologist, hair stylist, makeup artist, etc) evaluation too, which is very helpful.
Allure is the first to give you the info. on beauty's latest breakthrough products, promise.
Fun Makeup:
I know I gave Teen Vogue the most fun fashion award, but they really hold up for makeup too.
It's more of the makeup idea's they spark that makes it the winner.
Best Articles
Elle again!
They can sometimes have the most bizarre articles...
A few of my favorites; How an eco-friendly lifestyle turns into an dysfunctional obsession, a woman tells how she becomes involved with environmental terrorists (catch the theme?), and how the perfect face would look (proportions, etc) digitally.
It can sometimes be easy to miss these columns, your eyes aren't fully trained until about 5 issues later.
So if you have an old issue laying about somewhere near the hamper, blow the dust off the cover and "take a whack at it!".
Best Discontinued
I'm sorry Teen Vogue, but Elle Girl was the best fcuking teen magazine in the United States.
And they KNEW IT. The numbers proved.
The reason for pulling it off the shelf? Some mumbo jumbo about reaching teen girls more directly through the Internet (notice how alive the website looks), because apparently every teen girl is some tech-addict whom drowns herself in the computer screen everyday...
Lol, reverse sarcasm. I know every teen girl is a tech-addict whom drowns herself in the computer screen everyday.
But really, I'd like to see their popularity in numbers that their website stands by.
Closing the magazine was surely a mistake.
But, on the other hand...it was why I began reading Elle. It was the closest thing I was left with.
Best Old School
Shame on you! I bet you never would have thought to see this next. How sneaky of me to think of it last minute.
This magazine was more like a bible to girls back in my time (eh, mid-90's).
Of course we were all 8 years old...
Each of my annual monthly Slumber Parties (not Sleepovers, SLUMBER P-A-R-T-I-E-S) were practically a torn page from this phenomenal zine.
And NO ONE missed Sharice's Slumber Parties. No one.
In fact, I can't tell you how many times someone has shown up whom I hadn't even known or invited, BEGGING my mother and I to let them attend (Honestly, I'm not joking).
My mother's friends even came!
Anyway...the point is that this magazine is responsible for numerous friendships and my high- ranking Elementary School social status.
The Hall Of Shame
Tisk, Tisk...
What happened to Seventeen?
It used to be a cool magazine in the 90's-early 2000's.
Was this their idea of a comeback?
I've been slowly watching them dig their grave.
The clothing got worse, the beauty sections became more unfinished, and the "true life" stories are repetitions.
Not to mention, the way they cheat America's Next Top Model winners.
In the prize, it states that the winner will be featured on the cover of Seventeen Magazine.
Well twice, TWICE, have they made the ANTM winner share the cover with another celebrity.
One of those back-to-back cover things, and a microscopic interview with them.
Total schmucks.
I still keep my subscription, however, out of tradition and pure pity.
There will always be that ONE article I take interest in though; how to achieve sparkly hair, or informing me how dangerous a hot tub could be. Still, they cease to impress me.
Teen Magazine. I bought this magazine twice.
The first time was because Rachel Bilson was on the cover (I was once a devoted OC fan).
The inside was a mess of horribly taken pictures of celebrities with obvious but random facts about their beauty routine. I must have seen the old "I wash my face religiously" more than once.
It seemed to me that the magazine couldn't decide if it wanted to do false tabloids or give bad beauty advice. I assumed that I had just picked up an experimental issue with a star on the cover to get it sold and read.
It's been 3 years and they still haven't decided...
Good Lord, if there was ever a worse magazine than Teen...this is it.
It's about 4 pages long and uses the same tactics as the mag above. The DECEIVING COVER.
I even hated this "magazine" when I was 12.
I swear to God, they don't have a staff.
They don't even have sentences.
Phrases and pictures are more like it.
Obviously, they assume that the age group they're aiming toward can't READ.
Since when are American tweens illiterate?
If your daughter reads this magazine, you've failed as a parent.
On that note, I hope you've learned something.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Gossip Girl "Woman On The Verge" episode 17 review
Disappointed at the accidental lameness of her "murder".
Of course, (as all avg teen tv shows)
it took the main character's juiciest secret
and turned it into the most let-down of a scandal ever,
while still managing to "clear the air" all in the same episode.
They should have just made the last episode the season finale.
Then, maybe the writers would have had gotten enough time to think of something better then Serena giving an already 10-year-coke-addict ONE, i repeat ONE line of HIS OWN coke (which he would have taken anyway, as stated by Lilly) and him going into a seizure instantly.
It appears worse on camera.
Can you imagine..
Well you don't have you,
It'll be on Youtube in 7 hours.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Am I the only person who thought "Idiocracy" was...
The stupidest (I realize it was intentional, but really...),
least progressive,
cheap-shot humor,
movie. Ever.

I see that it was supposed to be over the top dumbed out to get the point through that 500 years from now or so, America will be over-populated by trailer trash, beer bellied, idiots (Hint: the title). But to think that it's funny... is just so ironic.
Seriously, if I hear one more person quote this movie and go into a laughing fit, I might just take every copy from Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, and whatever video store that isn't ashamed to carry it in the 650 area code, and donate them to an 18 letter town in Oklahoma so they can laugh at themselves.
Luke Wilson, how could you participate in this?
Mike Judge, what were you thinking?
Although im not suprised,
I guess if I were going to predict your next movie judging from your television experience...
I don't have to finish that sentence.
This movie is bad, and worst of all BORING.

In the movie, they made the Starbucks of the future into a handjob/blowjob bordello. Isn't that the most hilarious thing ever? I didn't think so either.
I see that it was suppo
Luke Wilso
Mike Judge
I guess
I don'
This movie
In the movie, they made the Starbucks of the future into a handjob/blowjob bordello. Isn't that the most hilarious thing ever? I didn't think so either.
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