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Am I the only person who thought "Idiocracy" was...
The stupidest (I realize it was intentional, but really...),
least progressive,
cheap-shot humor,
movie. Ever.

I see that it was supposed to be over the top dumbed out to get the point through that 500 years from now or so, America will be over-populated by trailer trash, beer bellied, idiots (Hint: the title). But to think that it's funny... is just so ironic.
Seriously, if I hear one more person quote this movie and go into a laughing fit, I might just take every copy from Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, and whatever video store that isn't ashamed to carry it in the 650 area code, and donate them to an 18 letter town in Oklahoma so they can laugh at themselves.
Luke Wilson, how could you participate in this?
Mike Judge, what were you thinking?
Although im not suprised,
I guess if I were going to predict your next movie judging from your television experience...
I don't have to finish that sentence.
This movie is bad, and worst of all BORING.

In the movie, they made the Starbucks of the future into a handjob/blowjob bordello. Isn't that the most hilarious thing ever? I didn't think so either.
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